Yemen Custom Authority (YCA), represented by , YCA Chairman Mr. Abdulhakim Al-Qubati, and Mr. Omar Baeis, Director General of the Hadramout Coastal Customs Office, participated today in the 61st meeting of the Directors General of Customs in the countries of the North African, Near and Middle East region, organized by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in cooperation with the Customs of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in their capacity as the Deputy of the World Customs Organization and the Regional Representative of the North African, Near and Middle East region.
The meeting was attended by the chairmans and directors of customs authorities in the countries of the region and the Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO) and affiliated regional bodies.
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Malki, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Economic Affairs Sector, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the participating delegations of heads of customs authorities in the Arab countries and the Secretary-General of the World Customs Organization, stressing that the theme of the World Customs Day 2025, launched by the World Customs Organization, “Customs achieve their commitment to efficiency, security and prosperity”, will have a positive impact on customs authorities taking many measures to achieve these goals, stressing that the customs sector is one of the main pillars on which national economies are based.