The Prime Minister chairs the first meeting of the National Trade Facilitation Committee

Eden – Span You :
Prime Minister Dr. Moeen Abdulmalik, today, in the temporary capital, Aden, chaired the first meeting of the National Committee for Trade Facilitation, to discuss directions and public policies of its work to achieve the goals of its establishment, especially in ensuring the smooth flow of commercial imports to Yemen.
The meeting, in the presence of the Minister of Industry and Trade, Chairman of the Committee, Mohamed Al-Ashoul, and the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Motie Damaj, reviewed the tasks and priorities ahead of them in preparing a national strategy to facilitate trade and oversee the implementation of related reforms, and to contribute to improving the business environment , giving opinion on legal and organizational legislation related to policies in outlets and making recommendations On administrative reforms of the ports
The committee, which includes agents of ministries, heads of governmental bodies and specialized interests, in addition to a representative from the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, the Union of Customs Loyalists, shipping and insurance companies, approved a number of priorities to work on in the coming period, and in the forefront of it. Formation of working teams and technical committees for issues within their jurisdiction.
The Prime Minister renewed, emphasizing the importance of partnership between government and private sector not only at trade level but in various infrastructure and services.. Referring to the role of the National Committee for Facilitation of Trade in strengthening the framework of the partnership and facing difficult challenges in the commercial and economic aspects. “Bringing all governmental bodies and private sector representatives in one committee is an important step to discuss problems, find solutions, present important initiatives and mitigate difficulties, aimed at facilitating trade, ensuring the safety of supply chains and food security,” he said.
Dr. Moeen Abdelmalik touches on government plans to facilitate trade, strengthen food security, and what it has achieved in this aspect, mechanisms to adapt to difficult challenges, as well as the role required of the private sector to support these efforts. He emphasized keenness to review the general situation and challenges facing the private sector, stop any illegal procedures and reactivate the system of laws and regulations.
The National Committee for Facilitation of Trade, focusing on setting up the necessary framework for formulating partnerships between the government and the private sector on a new course, the Prime Minister. It was recognized by the contributions of the national private sector in maintaining the stability of the situation.. Expressing his confidence in the ability to overcome the current difficult situations that have been weakened by the Houthi terrorist militia in targeting the potential of the Yemeni people.
A number of committee members from the government and the private sector proposed proposals to activate the work and activities of the committee and what could be done to facilitate trade and promote partnership, in favor of easing the living burden on citizens.

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