Meeting between the interest of the Customs and the Loyalist Union

The Chief of Interest, Mr. Abdul Hakim Al-Qabati, presided over the joint meeting with the Loyalists Guild, where the Brother, the Head of Interest blessed the establishment of the Customs Loyalists Union in Aden, congratulated its leadership and wished them success and expressed the importance of uniting the loyalists under one syndicate. It will be an important link. Between all the loyalists and the interest of the customs, as he confirmed the readiness of the interest By providing support to the syndicate leadership, including strengthening partnership with interest, developing joint work and facilitating trade.
During the meeting, the head of the union, Mr. Saif Mahdi, presented the role of the union, and demanded to lift the cooperation with the customs payers, in whose light the head of the interest asked to create a point of coordination between the two parties to receive all forms and work out solutions with the concerned parties within the interest.
The Director of Management of Economic Operator, Mr. Shaker Al-Soubi, also talked about the reliable trader and the features provided to him in facilitating procedures, approving electronic documents and quick release of dispatch.
In conclusion, the union president thanked the interest leadership for their continued cooperation and understanding for all that the union presented during the meeting…
Participated in the meeting, Dr. Mohamed Abdo Dahni, the agent of customs interest.
Eng. Fadl Alban, General Manager of International Relations and Cooperation, Union Members and Customs

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