Al-Mahrah governor meets customs team tasked with reviewing customs conditions in the governorate

Based on the directives of H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak , H.E. Minister of Finance Mr. Salem Saleh binbureik, and on YCA chairman mandate, Mr. Abdulhakim Al-Qubati to a customs team for visiting the customs ports in Al-Mahra governorate in order to closely view the progress of customs work and visit government agencies to coordinate the cooperation of customs work and to resolve issues that may be created during the process of procedures.
Al-Mahrah Governor Mohammed Ali Yasir met today the customs team headed by YCA deputy of enforcement affairs, Mr. Ahmed Al-Hajj.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Governor Bin Yasser welcomed the customs team,  emphasized on providing the necessary facilities for the success of its work.
The meeting discussed the results of the team’s visit to the customs office in Al-Mahrah governorate and  the customs ports in Al-Ghaydah, Nashtun , Shahn and Sarafit Customs to inspect customs work, improve customs infrastructure and review the progress of customs procedures, the activity of customs departments, and the needs for submitting proposed solutions to YCA chairman and to the Minister of Finance.
Mr Ahmed Alhajj-, the head of the team, thanked the leadership of the local authority represented by the gouvernor Mr. Mohammed Ali Yasser for his continuous support in providing the necessary facilities to customs in the governorate. He emphasized Customs’ approach to cooperating with all government agencies, whether security or civilian, in facilitating trade flow and combating smuggling.
The meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the Local Council, Mr. Salem Abdullah Nimer, the Undersecretary of Technical Affairs, Engineer Awad Qweizan, and the Governorate Deputy, Mr. Zain al-Abidin bin Khudum. Mr. Thabet Awad Mubarak, General Manager of Shahn Land Port Customs, and Mabrouk Dawameh, Customs Manager of Nishaton Port Customs.
The customs team included Khalid Dahman, Director of Projects, Waleed Awad, Director of the Inspection Department, and Ayad Al-Shazly, Director of the Audit Department.

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